Diabolos – Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius [Esper]

Diabolos – Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius [Esper]


Diabolos is the 6th esper available in the game. In order to get Diabolos, you have to unlock Industrial City Dilmagia and talk to a few people to unlock the Wicked Peaks. Scroll down below to figure out how to get Diabolos.

GuideUnitsTier ListTrust Master
Town of MitraRoyal Capital GrandsheltPort City LodinOrdol Port
Port City LydiraVillage of KolGrandportVillage of Marlo
Ghost Port KolobosFelicitas TownIndustrial City DilmagiaVillage of Ambel
Town of KoltsAquapolis OlderionTown of AmoreRaven's Hideaway
Earth Shrine ExpLatius Woods ExpDalnakya Cavern ExpGrandshelt Catacombs Exp
Fulan Pass ExpPhantom Forest ExpZadehl Westersand ExpLanzelt Highlands Exp
Wolfsfang Peak ExpLanzelt Mountains ExpKolobos Marsh ExpGolzas Canyon Exp
Kolobos Reef ExpShrine of Decay ExpMaranda Coast ExpDwarves' Forge Exp
Windy Heights West ExpMobreeze Airship Factory ExpJunkyard ExpWind Shrine Exp
Mystic WoodsAquatic CoverLake DorrGhost Ship Exp
Water Shrine ExpAbandoned Orphanage ExpTimber Tracks Exp
MagicSpecial AbilitiesEspersColosseum
White DragonDemon ChimeraThe IntangirSurging Menace
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Element Summon Magic Effects
Dark Dark Messenger Dark magic damage to all enemies.

 Bonus Magicites(1.5x Exp): Black

Rarity Lv/Pattern % Stats Sum Skill Sp Gain
1★ 30 1 Dark magic damage (720) to all enemies 158
2★ 40 1 Dark magic damage (1,720) to all enemies 312

Since your characters gain 1% of the esper’s stats, here is what your character will get by looking at the table below.

Grade(Min/Max) HP MP Attack Defense Magic Spirit
Diabolos 1 2000 / 2800 2800 / 4300 1000 / 1200 1200 / 1700 2200 / 3700 1800 / 2300
Unit 20 / 28 28 / 43 10 / 12 12 / 17 22 / 37 18 / 23
Diabolos 2 3500 / 4300 4500 / 6000 1300 / 1500 1800 / 2300 3800 / 5300 2600 / 3100
Unit 35 / 43 45 / 60 13 / 15 18 / 23 38 / 53 26 / 31

Strength and Weaknesses

Diabolos is neutral to all elements and status effects except for Holy and Dark.

Element/Status Effect
Holy icon-light_resistance – 50% resist
Dark icon-dark_resistance + 50% resist

Diabolos Upgrade



ability_14 Silence Silence (40%) to one enemy 5
 ability_39 Deshell Decrease SPR (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy 4
 ability_6 Drain Magic damage (0.8x) with HP drain (30%) to one enemy 5
 ability_14 Sleep Sleep (40%) to one enemy 3
 ability_26 Gravity HP damage (50%) to one enemy 12
 ability_24 Biora Dark magic damage (1.25x) and poison (15%) to all enemies 12



 ability_39 Imperil Decrease all element resistance (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy 15
 ability_71 Reduce Encounter Reduce encounter rate (-25%)
 ability_26 Darkside Dark physical damage (1.5x) with HP sacrifice (30%) to all enemies 0
 ability_79 Man-Eater Increase physical damage against humans (50%)
 ability_82 Mug Physical damage (1.2x) and steal item (50%) from one enemy 8
 ability_6 Osmose Magic damage (0.3x) with MP drain (30%) to one enemy 10
 ability_14 Blind Blind (40%) to one enemy 3
 ability_79 Demon Killer Increase physical damage against demons (50%)
 ability_39 Deprotect Decrease DEF (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy 4

Recommended Path


Focus on the yellow path first so you can get the red highlighted abilities, then focus on the green abilities by following the blue path.

How to Unlock Diabolos

First, you need to keep advancing in Dirnado to get to Industrial City Dilmagia. You then need to go find a few people.

Step 1: Enter town and pay attention to the numbers attached below.


Step 2: You have to speak to the man here to start the quest.


Step 3: After this, head to the top to speak to the second NPC here.


Step 4: Leave Industrial City Dilmagia, the Wicked Peaks will now be accessible.


  Location Lv HP MP
1 Wicked Peaks – Where the Demons Laugh 43 85000 200
2 Wicked Peaks – Trial of the Demon 46 210000 220

Boss: Diabolos


Boss Attacks:

  • Gravity – Reduces one unit’s current HP to 50%
  • Graviga – Reduces all unit’s current HP to 75%
  • Biora – Dark magic damage to all units and can inflict Poison
  • Death – Instant KO to a single unit. May use twice per turn
  • Dark Messenger – Massive Dark magic damage to all units. Used at < 50% HP


 Wicked Peaks – Where the Demons Laugh

Element Resistance
 icon-fire_resistance  icon-ice_resistance  icon-lightning_resistance  icon-water_resistance  icon-wind_resistance  icon-earth_resistance  icon-light_resistance  icon-dark_resistance
-50% +50%
Status Resistance
 icon-poison_resistance  icon-blind_resistance  icon-sleep_resistance  icon-silence_resistance  icon-paralysis_resistance  icon-confuse_resistance  icon-disease_resistance  icon-petrification_resistance
null +10% null null +50% null null null

Wicked Peaks – Trial of the Demon

Element Resistance
 icon-fire_resistance  icon-ice_resistance  icon-lightning_resistance  icon-water_resistance  icon-wind_resistance  icon-earth_resistance  icon-light_resistance  icon-dark_resistance
-50% +50%
Status Resistance
 icon-poison_resistance  icon-blind_resistance  icon-sleep_resistance  icon-silence_resistance  icon-paralysis_resistance  icon-confuse_resistance  icon-disease_resistance  icon-petrification_resistance
null +30% null null null null null null

Use any holy attackers you may have. You should have no problem with him unless your party is low level.



An unidentified esper that was sealed away in an enchanted mountain of Dirnado. With pitch black wings, it had a sinister appearance, and it is no wonder that the locals fear it as they would a demon. Having sealed it away ages ago, they have forgotten that it was an esper. With its own unique concept of values free from human morality, this esper lends the powers of darkness only to those who strike its fancy.


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